Monday, August 6, 2018

Pride and Prejudice Manga Edition by Jane Austen and Stacy King

I have written often about two things: the fact that I don't like adaptations of my favourite books and the fact that I love classic novels being adapted into graphic novels. So, now those two things have combined and I was hesitant to see how I would feel about it.

After falling in love with the Sense and Sensibility Manga edition a few weeks ago, Darcy and I got in line for the Manga edition of Pride and Prejudice. P & P is #2 on my all-time favourite books list and the source of Darcy's name. Once we picked it up from the library, she pounced on it and finished it 3 times in a day and a half. Darcy absolutely loved it and now can't wait to watch the BBC miniseries (be still my heart). Then it was my turn to read it.

I thought it was great! It was a very true adaptation of the original story, once again featuring incredible art. They inserted little character introductions throughout the story, which I thought was a fun touch and would help someone new to P & P understand the characters a little better. I don't think the characters were as well developed here as they are in the full version of the book so those backgrounds helped.

It's not the original, but it's a great, fun, modern interpretation. It made Darcy pick up the original, but she still found the language a bit daunting.

All in all, this is a fun way to spend an afternoon. It could help introduce a new generation of readers to this classic story. Take a look for it at your local library and let me know what you think.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sue,
    I am fascinated with this concept and feel exactly the same as you do. Any adaptation seems wrong, even a movie. But often it is done really well and brings the book alive in new ways. How wonderful when Darcy has caught the 'spirit ' of the book and loves it also. Great connection!
