Sorry, we finished this book weeks ago, but I never got around to blogging about it.
After we finished the Chronicles of Narnia we were looking for a new series to read together as a family. A friend reminded me of the fun Canadian series about MacDonald Hall and we thought we'd give it a try. Are we ever glad we did!
This Can't Be Happening at MacDonald Hall was written by Gordon Korman when he was 12 years old and published when he was 14. It is a very funny book, about the adventures of two mischievous students, Bruno and Boots who keep things interesting at their boarding school, MacDonald Hall. I remembered loving these books as a kid and hoped the kids would love them too.
They did. There are many times when we were laughing so hard we had to take a break from reading.
Bruno and Boots get into serious trouble at the beginning of the book, so they lose the privilege of rooming together. They are assigned new roommates, probably the last two guys in school they'd choose as their roommates. Their new mission becomes finding a way to get put back together again in their old room.
We all loved this book and laughed a lot. I only had one problem with the book. The book was published in 1979, but this version has clearly been updated. On one page we were reading about one of the new roommates having a 3D LED TV in his room. I'm a purist who would like the original text to be left as it was written.
But aside from that minor bit, we highly recommend this fun book!